To feel understood,

is to feel connected.

Sample Short Form Content

The content here has been made for either personal project use in efforts to benefit my skills and portfolio or for a project while in pursuit of my degree.

Cayenne Creative Case Study

This a case deck that overviews the work that my team and I did on our account with Cayenne Creative as Student Marketing Consultants. For more access to the rest of the contents, please contact me.

Other Works

The below video is a work I made for a class project about what it means to live a good life. Using scenes from movies, TV shows, content from my own life, and other works I pieced together a video about what I value most in living a good life. This work is intended only for classwork.

The power of connection pays no attention to proximity, but rather to common interest and passion. Social media gives platforms to transcend proximity and create communities everywhere with a few things: people, passion, and purpose.